See what Wiggle 100/The True Oldies is up to and what events are happening within the community. Come back every week for new events and special broadcasts on Wiggle 100.
Updated Monday, February 10th, 2024
Have an event you want us to promote? Send it in to WHGL100@gmail.com and put “Community Update” in the subject line with all of the important information. We’ll promote these events to the public for free!
Winter Sports Schedule
Saturday, February 15th | North Sectional Tournament NTL Post Season Wrestling | Updates Throughout the Day Championship Matches – 6:00pm | Wiggle 100 |
Elmira Aviators Hockey
Tuesday, February 11th | Elmira Aviators vs Rochester Jr Americans | 6:30pm | Kids 17 and Under are Free or Free with Student ID (College included) |
Friday, February 21st | Elmira Aviators vs Maryland Black Bears | 7:00pm | |
Saturday, February 22nd | Elmira Aviators vs Maryland Black Bears | 7:00pm |
Thursday, February 13th | The Duels at Daytona | 6:00pm | Wiggle 100 |
Sunday, February 16th | Daytona 500 | 1:30pm | Wiggle 100 |
Troy Food Pantry
The Troy Area Food Pantry is located at 532 Elmira Street in Troy (directly across from the Citgo Pump ‘N Pantry) and is open every Thursday from 11:30am to 2:00pm. Eligible people/families can stop in Once per month and must bring proof of address that you reside in the Troy School District. To learn more about eligibly, please call (570) 297-4269.
Gillett Senior Center
All men and women age 50 and over are invited for Fellowship, lunch conversation, fun, special programs, crafts, bingo, movies, music, and more. The center is open Thursdays 9am – 2pm, lunch is served at Noon. Meeting at the South Creek Community Center (the old school) behind the Post Office in Gillett. FMI call 570-596-2034 or 570-732-3567. Hope to see you there.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based group that meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm at the New Life Church in Canton, Pa. This program is designed to help you with any areas within your life that are separating you from freedom, peace, and recovery. From addiction to other areas you are currently struggling with, you are not alone.
Celebrate Recovery is here to help you begin your journey. Together, we share and begin to walk in recovery. For additional information or questions, please contact Bill Mathews 570-250-0055 or Tom Carman at 607-426-1623.
Bingo Night at Franklin Township Fire Department
The Franklin Township Fire Department will hold Bingo on Monday, February 17th at the fire hall located at 15 Grange Rd in Monroeton, Pa. Doors open at 5pm with Bingo starting at 6pm.
Canton Area Little League
Registration is now open for the upcoming 2025 Little League season. Visit the Canton Area Little League Website for more information and registration of players.
Troy Sons of the Legion Events
- Saturday, February 15th – Chicken BBQ – Cost is $9/half and there is a sheet for pre=orders at the Troy Vets Club.
Benefit Valentine’s Dinner
There will be a benefit Valentine’s Dinner at the Sullivan County Fairgrounds called The Great Sweet Feast on Saturday, February 15th. Doors will open at 5:00pm with dinner served at 6:00pm. Tickets are available in advance for $30 per couple. There will be other raffles and games of chance to enjoy as well. Proceeds from the evening will be used towards upgrades to the Livestock Barns at the fairgrounds. For tickets, contact Kim at 607-857-3052 or Tamara at 570-337-7819.
Northeast Bradford FFA Open House
The Northeast Bradford FFA will be hosting an Open House on Wednesday, February 19th from 6pm to 8pm in the Ag Hallway at Northeast Bradford High School. Demonstrations will include many things from oil changes to floral arrangements. Showcases of the award-winning projects including the Landscape Display and Page Garden Tractor will also be shown.
South Creek Lions Club
The South Creek Lions Club will be hosting Trivia Night on Saturday, February 15th, with “BullDog” Bob Smith. Doors open at 5:30pm, the kitchen will also be open. Trivia starts at 7:00pm. Donation of $5 and a non-perishable food item. Proceeds support Lions Community Projects.
A country breakfast will be held on Sunday, February 23rd at the South Creek Lions Club from 8am – 10am. The menu includes scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, and sausage gravy, home fries along with coffee and orange juice. Cost is $10 per meal, children $5, doors open at 8am.
Euchre Tournament
The Canton VFW Post 714 will be hosting a Euchre Tournament on Sunday, February 23rd, to benefit the family of Caleb Roof as he continues his recovery. Cost is $10 to participate and partners will be drawn at random. Sign ups will start at Noon and play will begin at 1:00pm.